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Jenny Q’s Uplift Crew

A Motivational Group for Writers

Writing a novel can be a very solitary endeavor, but it doesn’t have to be! Being part of a writing community can help you keep your eye on the prize while offering some much-needed camaraderie. Could you use some support and encouragement to reach your writing goals? Are you having trouble getting started or finding the motivation to finish? Perhaps you’re embarking on the querying or publication process? Or maybe you just need to socialize with peeps who understand the crazy ride you’re on!

In this group, we will:

Set goals and share our progress

Celebrate our successes and overcome our setbacks

Identify what’s holding us back and how to move forward

Provide and receive support and encouragement

It’s like your very own group of accountability partners, moderated by editor and book coach Jenny Q. Grab a beverage and a fuzzy blanket and join us! It’s FREE!

This group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month.

Duration: 60 minutes

Location: Zoom

This group is open to writers of any genre at any stage of their career. Aspiring, traditionally pubbed, indiepub, and hybrid welcome. This is NOT a critique group. This is not the place to ask for feedback on your manuscript; there are other groups for that. This is a monthly encouragement group for writers to cheer each other on and help keep each other on track as we journey down our paths to publication.

The meeting link is posted each month in our Facebook group. Join today to keep up with the latest news!